2019-08-01 14:29:10


在过去的37年里卡森用优质的服务回馈着每位顾客, 我们用心-你们放心。在飞速发展的时代,卡森紧跟时代步伐,努力为社会 贡献自己的力量和智慧。石墨烯新型材料的研发和生产, 高效能电池的研发与生产,防腐涂料、隐身涂覆材料等。
Over the past 37 years, Carson has been giving back to every customer with high quality service. We are very careful - you can rest assured.In the era of rapid development, Carson keeps pace with the times and strives to contribute his strength and wisdom to society. Research and production of new graphene materials, research and production of high-efficiency batteries, anti-corrosion coatings, stealth coating materials, etc.